Friday 7 October 2022

31 Days of Halloween: Day 6

Bit of a busy day today. There were a couple of very Halloweeny things, and a few things that were nice but perhaps not 100% Halloween. I'm still going to count them though.

Today's Tea

Tonight's tea was... not strictly speaking Halloween themed. Or is a cowboy a Halloween thing? Anyway, it was The Bandit from Tea and the Gang. It's a chocolate and orange black tea!

Today's Story

Tonight's classic tale of horror was 'The Willows' by Algernon Blackwood.

A Visit to the Avenue Library

I was at the Avenue Library today. I tried to find the most Halloween-appropriate selection of books, but I'm not sure I quite managed it! Close enough though.

Lunch at the Hidden Gem Coffee Shop

I went for lunch with my mum at the Hidden Gem Coffee Shop in Heaton Park today. Again, not the most Halloween-tastic thing ever, but I guess Red Velvet Cake looks a little bit seasonal.

Ghost Story Readalong Live

I did the first Facebook Live for the Ghost Story Readalong tonight. It's didn't go... smoothly. But at least I had fun.

Thursday 6 October 2022

31 Days of Halloween: Day 5

Today was a bit of a marathon work day, so there was no time for anything more than a Halloween tea and a story. Still, at least I managed to fit those little seasonal things in.

Today's Tea

Tonight's tea was Winter Charm from Ahmad Tea. It's apple, cinnamon, cloves and orange zest. Admittedly that means it tastes more Christmassy than Halloweeny. But still.

Today's Story

Tonight's classic tale of horror was 'Young Goodman Brown' by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Wednesday 5 October 2022

31 Days of Halloween: Day 4

I'm posting this a little late, as I didn't get chance to finish my post before I went to bed last night. Tuesday and Wednesday were both incredibly busy for me, so there wasn't a lot of festive fun to be honest. Just teas, stories, and a couple of added extras today.

Today's Tea

Tonight's tea was Spicy Apple from Tea People. As well as apple, it's got ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and pepper. But it also has stevia, so it's a VERY sweet spicy apple flavour. Oh, and it's blood red.

Today's Story

Tonight's classic tale of horror was 'The Elixir of Life' by Honoré de Balzac.

Halloween Earrings

Today's earrings were little silver pumpkins!

Seasonal (?) Squash

I had a work meeting on Tuesday afternoon and a colleague brought along a selection of veg from the local allotments. Well impressed with this! I'm excited about my (I think) round courgette/summer squash, even if it's not strictly speaking a Halloween-themed vegetable.

Slade House

This week's tram reading is Slade House by David Mitchell. It seems to match the tram more than the season, but I've been assured this is a suitable Halloween read.

Tuesday 4 October 2022

31 Days of Halloween: Day 3

Today was a work day, and a very busy one at that, so there wasn't really any time for festive shenanigans. But I still managed to sneak in a tea and a story, and I was wearing seasonal earrings while I did to keep a little Halloween magic going.

Today's Tea

Tonight's tea was the delightfully named Toe of Frog from the delightfully named Monster Mash Teas. I loved all of their concoctions last year, so I'm excited to try a new selection this year! (Toe of Frog is actually quite a light and gentle vanilla green tea.

Today's Story

Tonight's classic tale of horror was 'Kerfol' by Edith Wharton.

Halloween Earrings

Today's earrings were glittery wicked witch shoes. I also had teeny cauldron, witch's hat and black cat studs in but they're not as easy to photograph!

Monday 3 October 2022

31 Days of Halloween: Day 2

It's the second day of Halloween for me. It's been a bit of a tiring day, but I still managed to get some seasonal stuff in.

Today's Tea

Tonight's tea was one of four included in a rather stylish Halloween gift set from Rosie Lea Tea. I chose Phoenix Tears today. It's a sweet caramel flavoured rooibos tea.

Today's Story

Tonight's classic tale of horror is 'An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge' by Ambrose Bierce.

Litter-Pick in Crumpsall Park

This morning we were at the monthly Friends of Crumpsall Park litter-pick. It wasn't technically a Halloween event, but I made sure I found as much seasonal stuff as possible while were out.

Ghost Files

We recovered from a bit of tiring morning with a facon and egg roll and catching up on the latest episode of Ghost Files on Watcher.

October Readalong

This afternoon I started reading Ghost Story by Peter Straub and getting things ready for my October Readalong. We're starting off with the prologue this week.

Sunday 2 October 2022

October Readalong: Ghost Story by Peter Straub

This October, I'm doing a Halloween Readalong of Ghost Story by the late, great Peter Straub. And everyone's welcome to join in! I'll be posting about it on my Hannah Kate Twitter and on Facebook. All you need to join in is a copy of the book and the desire to (re)read it. I'm looking forward to diving in this week, and it'd be great if you'd like to join me.

How to Join In

If you're a Facebook person, join the October Readalong Facebook group, and post your thoughts in the group as we read. I'll be doing a live video chat in the group every Thursday in October at 6.30pm (UK time). If you're a Twitter person, share your thoughts on the hashtag #GhostStoryReadalong.

Readalong Schedule

Week 1: Prologue – Driving South
FB Live: Thursday 6th October, 6.30-7.30pm

Week 2: Part 1 – After Jaffrey’s Party
FB Live: Thursday 13th October, 6.30-7.30pm

Week 3: Part 2 – Dr Rabbitfoot’s Revenge
FB Live: Thursday 20th October, 6.30-7.30pm

Week 4: Part 3 – The Coon Hunt & Epilogue – Moth in a Killing Jar
FB Live: Thursday 27th October, 6.30-7.30pm

Saturday 1 October 2022

31 Days of Halloween: Day 1

It's here! The most wonderful time of the year! Our Year of Celebrating the Seasons has reached Halloween! Like last year, I'm going to be celebrating 31 Days of Halloween throughout October. I set the bar pretty high in 2021 (I mean, I walked across hot coals last October, so there's no beating that), but I've got a lot of stuff planned for this Halloween as well. I've got 31 Halloween teas ready to enjoy, and I've picked a book of short stories to read as well. My box of Halloween earrings is out of the wardrobe and ready for action now as well.

So here's how I celebrated my first day of Halloween this year...

Today's Tea

My first Halloween tea of the year! I'm starting off with Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice from Mystic Brew Teas. Looking at the ingredients, the 'everything nice' is not an overstatement. It's got everything from white pepper to rosehip in it! But mostly it tastes of pumpkin, ginger and cinnamon.

Today's Story

Last October, I read a story-a-day from a book that turned out to have less than 31 stories in it. This year, I'm reading a story-a-day from a book with way more than 31, the Classic Tales of Horror anthology from Canterbury Classics. (I had to work out which stories to skip this month, and I'm afraid the Edgar Allan Poe ones have been ditched - I read a lot of Poe last Halloween.) Today's classic tale of horror (the first of the season!) was 'The Devil and Tom Walker' by Washington Irving.

Halloween Earrings

My first pair of Halloween earrings of the year... pumpkin candies!

Fun Day in Boggart Hole Clough

I had a great time today at a fun day to raise money for Rodney House Specialist Support School at the Lakeside Cafe in Boggart Hole Clough. I even won a prize on the tombola. Woohoo! It's not just the boggart that makes this a Halloween event though. I opted for a seasonal design from the face-painter, and a member of the Lakeside CIC community group regifted her tombola prize to me... a pair of skull shot glasses!

(Virgin) Espresso Martini

Espresso Martini from Glen Affric Brewery to celebrate the start of the month. (But I've got a litter-pick first thing tomorrow so it's mocktail, not cocktail.)

My Year in Books 2022: September

So, I didn't read as many books in September as I did in August, but I'm definitely back on track after a couple of months where I struggled to read anything for pleasure. Weirdly, everything I read this month was from the local library (despite me having far too many unread books of my own). I don't know if that's what's got me out of my slump this time. Whatever it is, I've read some good stuff this month (as well as a couple of less good things!).

In case you're curious, here are my posts from the rest of the year so far: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August

The Inheritance of Solomon Farthing by Mary Paulson-Ellis (2019)

Another library book to start this month. As is a bit of a habit, I only skim-read the blurb first. I knew it was about a man called Solomon Farthing who makes a living tracking down inheritances, and that a WWI soldier would be a significant part of the plot. Haha… I wasn’t prepared for this book at all! And, as usual, I regret nothing! Solomon Farthing is an ‘Heir Hunter’ – he makes a shady living by tracking down long-lost next-of-kin for unclaimed estates (for a ‘finder’s fee’, of course). When he is asked to do a favour for a police officer of his acquaintance, Solomon finds himself tangled up in a mystery that goes back the WWI, and which will touch on his own life in very unexpected ways. The story is told across multiple timelines – Solomon’s ‘present day’ quest in Edinburgh and beyond (set in 2016), the story of a small band of soldiers seeing out the final days of the war in a French farmhouse (in 1918), and others that I won’t spoil here. I was sort of expecting this to be a straightforward mystery with some historical vignettes thrown in, but The Inheritance of Solomon Farthing isn’t like that at all. It’s off-beat and quirky, told with in a vivacious and ‘shaggy dog story’ style that is really quite charming. I loved the character of Solomon Farthing as well – a really memorable creation with a more complex backstory than you might expect. Definitely recommend this one.

84K by Claire North (2018)

The next book I read was another library book. I’d renewed this one a couple of times, and I didn’t want it to go overdue, so I thought I should crack on and read it quickly. Turns out, the library deadline wasn’t really relevant, as I genuinely couldn’t put this one down once I’d started it! I read it in a couple of sittings, because it was just that compelling! 84K is a dystopian tale, set in a near-future (and it’s terrifying how ‘near’ it feels) version of Britain. Privatization has given way to full-scale commodification – towns are sponsored by companies, health and care are run through insurance companies, and all of these companies are owned by other companies that are owned by The Company (who also own the prisons, tax service, etc.). A man who goes by the name of Theo Miller works in the Criminal Audit Office; his job is to assess crimes and work out the ‘indemnity’ due by the perpetrator. If the perpetrator can’t pay the indemnity, they face being sentenced to the ‘patty line’ – indentured labour to pay off the debt to society. This vision of the future is stark and, like all good dystopian fiction, the plot is kicked off by the protagonist realizing (Ă  la Winston Smith) that he can’t be part of this system anymore. However, the storytelling style elevates 84K into a different league. It’s almost hypnotic in its fragmented, lyrical style, but still with a plot that’s an utter page-turner.

Quarter Past Two on a Wednesday Afternoon by Linda Newbery (2013)

Looks like it’s going to be a library-heavy month for me… this next one is also from my local library. Newbery’s novel is Anna and her sister Rose. At a quarter past two on a Wednesday afternoon in August, young Anna leaves the house to go to the shop. When she returns, her older sister Rose has disappeared without a trace. Twenty years later, Anna still doesn’t know what happened to her sister. As she reaches something of a turning point in her life (a relationship getting more serious, a new job offer), Anna begins to wonder if she’ll ever find out the truth. Quarter Past Two moves at a slow pace, but I’m not sure this always works to its advantage. There’s a lot about Anna’s relationship with her (in my opinion) rather unlikable boyfriend and his ex-wife, Ruth. This is interspersed with vignettes from Anna’s relationship with Rose, and from the aftermath of the disappearance. There are also some sections from another character’s perspective, but I’ll leave you to discover for yourself who that character is. In the end, though, the disappearance itself is remarkably easy for Anna to solve and a bit of an anti-climax. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy this one, but I found it difficult to really engage with the characters in any depth. Most of them make decisions and choices that are hard to understand, and their motivations aren’t always convincingly explained. It’s not a bad novel, but it isn’t mind-blowing either.

Little Sister by Gytha Lodge (2022)

It’s library books all the way down this month… I’ve read one of Lodge’s other novels before, She Lies in Wait, and I remember that I quite enjoyed it. I didn’t realize when I started Little Sister that the detective in She Lies in Wait (DCI Jonah Sheens) became a series character for Lodge, and so I was actually jumping back in at book No. 4! This isn’t too much of a problem – and I don’t think it would be a problem if you haven’t read any of the books in the series – as there are plenty of recaps to catch you up on the lives of the detective and his team, and there aren’t any spoilers for the previous three books. In Little Sister, Sheens is confronted by a teenager, Keely Lennox, emerging from the woods near a pub with blood on her hands and clothes. Keely, it transpires, was reported missing from her care home a few days earlier. Her younger sister Nina went missing at the same time, but Keely has turned up alone. As Sheens tries to find out what happened, it becomes clear that Keely is more interested in playing mind games than telling the police what happened to her sister. But as the detectives investigate, a story emerges that’s disturbing in ways you might not expect. I have to admit, I did see most of the ‘twists’ coming with this one, but Lodge is an excellent writer, and Little Sister is a gripping read.

The Man on Hackpen Hill by J.S. Monroe (2021)

Ah… it seems me run of great library books has come to a bit of an end with this next one. This isn’t going to be a strong recommendation, unfortunately. And I think I’m going to have to give a couple of spoilers in order to explain. So, this was another library book, and I did read the blurb this time. The Man on Hackpen Hill is described as a thriller. The story – as hinted in the blurb – is about crop circles. A particularly mysterious example is discovered on the eponymous hill in Wiltshire… but there’s a body in its centre. Some of the (generally very short) chapters are from the perspective of DI Silas Hart, who has responsibility for investigating the murder, and then investigating two subsequent crop circles/murders. Other chapters are told from the perspectives of Jim – a young man who works at Porton Down, who believes he can reveal the truth about the crop circles – and Bella – a young woman who has just started working at a newspaper after finishing university. Now, here comes the spoiler: this book isn’t really about crop circles and secret experiments at Porton Down. The big reveal is that this is a story about mental illness and, specifically, psychosis and antipsychotics. And it’s one of the most egregious depictions of psychosis I’ve read in a long time. Not only is the presentation of schizophrenia and its treatment utterly unrealistic, the idea of psychotic delusions is romanticized to an extent that’s almost distasteful.

The Music Shop by Rachel Joyce (2017)

Even though I didn’t really enjoy the last one, it’s another library book next! I’ve read (and enjoyed) two of Rachel Joyce’s other books – Perfect (the first one I read) and The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry (her debut novel and her most famous one) – so I had an idea of what I might be getting with The Music Shop. What I loved about the other two novels was the way Joyce combined an off-beat tale of eccentric and flawed, but ultimately hopeful, characters with a harder core, exploring themes of mental illness, grief and lost time. The Music Shop has a lot of this too. The story begins in 1988, in the music shop of vinyl-loving Frank. Frank is a typical Rachel Joyce character: an eccentric oddball with a sad backstory but a strong connection to other people, or rather to other people’s stories. Frank’s world is disrupted by Ilse Brauchmann, an enigmatic woman who faints outside his shop one day. In many ways, though, Frank and Ilse’s scenes are stolen by the setting and the glorious supporting cast of characters. Frank’s shop is on a vividly-evoked near-abandoned street (Unity Street) in a run-down city, alongside an undertaker, a tattoo parlour and a religious gift shop. Although there’s a cruel blow at the end of the book’s first half, The Music Shop doesn’t quite have the punch of Perfect or Harold Fry. But it’s still a moving, funny and compelling story, and the ending made me cry a little.