Showing posts with label Robert Louis Stevenson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Louis Stevenson. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 October 2022

31 Days of Halloween: Day 21

I'm still catching up with these posts, as I've fallen a little bit behind. Oops. Friday saw another tea and a couple of stories, but also (very exciting) the unveiling of the pumpkin lantern, carved from the pumpkin we picked at Dunham Massey. And it's a big one, so there was a lot of carving involved.

Today's Tea

Friday's tea was Hexen-Tee from Wegwartehof. It's made of Haselnussblätter, Milde Minze, Zitronenthymian, Brombeerblätter, Ringelblume, Lavendel, Eisenkraut, Lindenblütte, Oswegoblüte und Stockrose! (I understand 50% of those. Hope the others aren't poison!)

Today's Story

Friday's classic tale of horror was 'The Bottle Imp' by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Pumpkin Lantern

The pumpkin is a ridiculous vegetable. There. I said it. And yet... how festive. Don't ever change, pumpkins.

Live and Spooky Campfire Stories (John Everson)

On Friday's Campfire Stories video from Flame Tree Press, John Everson read the prologue to his latest novel, Five Deaths for Seven Songbirds.

Tuesday 11 October 2022

31 Days of Halloween: Day 10

Another late post, as I was still down with a bad cold yesterday and not in the mood for doing much celebrating. I caught up with my Halloween tea and story today though.

Today's Tea

I'm catching up with what would've been yesterday's tea... Dorian Grey from Monster Mash Teas. It's absolutely delightful, the most delicious Earl Grey ever. Downside is, I now have to keep a cup of rancid stewed tea in my attic. Swings and roundabouts.

Today's Story

And catching up with what would've been yesterday's classic tale of horror... 'The Body-Snatcher' by Robert Louis Stevenson.