Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Spring Equinox Stories Wanted for Hannah's Bookshelf on North Manchester FM

Submit your seasonal flash fiction to be played on Hannah’s Bookshelf this March!

Can you tell a seasonal story in just 3 minutes? Want to have your work played on the radio? This month, I’m looking for seasonal (spring) flash fiction from around the world for inclusion on Hannah’s Bookshelf, the weekly literature show on North Manchester FM.

On Saturday 15th March, I’ll be hosting the Hannah’s Bookshelf Spring Equinox Special, and as part of my seasonal special, I’ll be playing a selection of my favourite 3-minute stories on the show (broadcast on FM and on digital). Want to be part of it? Submit a recording of your seasonally inflected story (maximum 3 minutes) by midnight on Monday 10th March.

All genres welcome – be they cosy, romantic, scary or sad. The only rules are that stories must be your own original work, have some connection to the season, and be in English (the language of the broadcast). And please ease off the swears – stories have to be radio friendly! All you need is a microphone and a story – once you’re ready to submit your story, click on the ‘Start Recording’ button on my website to record your story and submit it. Remember to enter your name and email address when submitting your story.

If you aren’t able to submit via a recording and would like another method of taking part, please message via my website for more information.

Please share this call with anyone who you think might be interested – I’d like to cast the net as wide as possible. My favourite seasonal stories will be broadcast on the Hannah’s Bookshelf Spring Equinox Special at 2pm on Saturday 15th March, on digital radio and 106.6FM.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Imbolc: Day 3

Another day of celebrating Imbolc... and another day of being a bit too busy to celebrate. Between a new job and a new book coming out, I haven't got very much downtime this January!

Drink in the Pub

After a pretty busy day, I did have a bit of time for a quick drink in my local with a friend to celebrate the promotion and the book coming out.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Imbolc: Day 2

It's the second day of our Imbolc celebrations... but I'm too busy to do any celebrating. Oh dear. Hopefully, we'll catch up by the weekend.


Since I didn't get chance for any festivities, I had to content myself with seeing some snowdrops instead today.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Imbolc: Day 1

It's nearly Imbolc, and so it's time to start celebrating! Well... maybe... in an appropriately seasonal twist, I had an interview for a job (a promotion, in fact) just after Plough Monday, and so I'm hitting the ground running with the new role. I'm having an incredibly busy second half of January, but that's how it should be. You have to break the ground in January to prepare for the fruitful year ahead.

Dinner with a Friend

Tonight wasn't technically a festive occasion, but it was still a nice thing. I went for dinner at Zizzi with a friend to celebrate my new job. My dinner was very heavily mushroom-based (Mushroom Brindisi, followed by Mushroom & Truffle with Burrata).

Friday, 17 January 2025

Imbolc Stories Wanted for Hannah's Bookshelf on North Manchester FM

Submit your seasonal flash fiction to be played on Hannah’s Bookshelf this February!

Can you tell a seasonal story in just 3 minutes? Want to have your work played on the radio? This month, I’m looking for seasonal (winter, Imbolc, Candlemas, Groundhog Day) flash fiction from around the world for inclusion on Hannah’s Bookshelf, the weekly literature show on North Manchester FM.

On Saturday 1st February, I’ll be hosting the Hannah’s Bookshelf Imbolc Special, and as part of my seasonal special, I’ll be playing a selection of my favourite 3-minute stories on the show (broadcast on FM and on digital). Want to be part of it? Submit a recording of your seasonally inflected story (maximum 3 minutes) by midnight on Monday 27th January.

All genres welcome – be they cosy, romantic, scary or sad. The only rules are that stories must be your own original work, have some connection to the season, and be in English (the language of the broadcast). And please ease off the swears – stories have to be radio friendly! All you need is a microphone and a story – once you’re ready to submit your story, click on the ‘Start Recording’ button on my website to record your story and submit it. Remember to enter your name and email address when submitting your story.

If you aren’t able to submit via a recording and would like another method of taking part, please message via my website for more information.

Please share this call with anyone who you think might be interested – I’d like to cast the net as wide as possible. My favourite seasonal stories will be broadcast on the Hannah’s Bookshelf Imbolc Special at 2pm on Saturday 1st February, on digital radio and 106.6FM.