Showing posts with label Bury Market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bury Market. Show all posts

Thursday 1 August 2024

Lammas: Day 7

It's the final day of our Lammas celebrations this year. We were both at work, so we didn't have big celebrations planned. Instead, I spent the day enjoying some of the seasonal foods I bought from Bury Market yesterday.

Wimberry Pie

I took a wimberry pie into work today to share with my colleagues. It went down really well!

Crusty Cob

Lunch was a very nice crusty cob from the market, filled with Wensleydale with pineapple.

Corn on the Cob and Baklava

And tea was some lovely corn on the cob, followed by baklava (is that seasonal? it's definitely delicious).

And so the wheel of the year turns. We'll be celebrating again at the Autumn Equinox.

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Lammas: Day 6

It's the sixth day of our Lammas celebrations - the penultimate day, but as we're both at work tomorrow, it's the big one for us (the night when we have our festive dinner together).

Bury Market

Today started with a trip to Bury Market with my mother-in-law. Lammas is a harvest celebration, so it feels right to have a trip to the market.

Market Lunch

We bought lots of nice things at the market, some of which we had today. Lunch was cheese and onion pie, followed by cannoli.

Castlerea Lammas Stories

I was at Castlerea Care Home for a little seasonal celebration with the housemates. I read some seasonal poems, including 'Corn Rigs' by Robert Burns, and we listened to some seasonal music, including 'The Combine Harvester Song' by The Wurzels. We also had muffins, jammy joeys, cherry squash and lots of good conversation.

Lammas Dinner

Tonight was our big festive dinner. Rob made his signature seasonal dish, Lammas Surprise, and we had wimberry pie from Bury Market for pudding.

Children of the Corn

We watched our seasonal film of choice this evening... Children of the Corn!

Lammas Gifts

After dinner, we swapped Lammas cards and gifts. As is tradition, we bought each other seasonally inspired whiskies that we'll add to the tasting sets to enjoy in December.

Wednesday 26 July 2023

Lammas: Day 1

It's beginning to look a lot like Breadmas! And that means it's time for us to start our Lammastide celebrations this year! We've got a whole week of things planned to celebrate the first harvests, and today's the first day.

Bury Market

We celebrated the start of the grain harvest with our traditional trip to (World Famous) Bury Market with my mother-in-law. I bought quite a lot of bread, radishes and sticky toffee cheddar. 'Tis the season.

Breadmas Calendar Day 1

Why yes, yes I have made myself a Breadmas Calendar for Lammas this year. And behind Bread Wrapper No. 1 tonight... it's a Nudger (from Bury Market)!

Castlerea Lammas Stories

I celebrated Lammastide the Castlerea Care Home way this afternoon. Seasonal poetry (corn rigs an' barley rigs), lots of reminiscing about summer and a very raucous singalong of what is now our anthem, '(I Never Promised You a) Rose Garden' by Lynn Anderson.

Thursday 22 September 2022

Autumnal Equinox: Day 5

Another day of celebrating the Autumn Equinox, and it was a bit fruit-and-veg-themed (in the morning at least). I'm not sure the Autumnal Equinox has been the most action-packed of our celebrations so far, and perhaps that's because it's hard not to look forward to the big ones that are on the horizon, but we're definitely still marking the season in our own special way.

A Trip to Bury Market

We went to Bury Market this morning with my mother-in-law. Got myself quite the Autumn Equinox cornucopia. Is that 3 figs for £1.50? Yes it is. And I also picked up a bit of market-themed reading at the book exchange stall while we were there.

Autumn Equinox Earrings

Today's Autumn Equinox earrings are little glass corn ears and pumpkins that I bought from a jewellery maker at the Crumpsall and Cheetham Model Allotments fun day at Midsummer

Ronald Hutton Lecture

Tonight I attended an online lecture by Ronald Hutton at Gresham College, entitled 'The Gods of Prehistoric Britain'. It was interesting, thought-provoking and entertaining (as I expected it would be!)

Saturday 30 July 2022

Lammas: Day 3

I'm a little bit late posting this, but here's our third day of Lammas celebrations (Thursday)!

Lammas Earrings

Thursday's seasonal earrings were citrus slices.

A Trip to Southport

I went on a day out to Southport with the residents of Castlerea Care Home on Thursday. It was a little bit drizzly but otherwise we had fun. Is Ferrero Rocher a traditional Lammas treat? Because I had a Ferrero Rocher ice cream!

Myst: Revelation

Not really a Lammas-specific thing, but me and my brother are replaying all the Myst games, and we got together for a game night on Thursday. We were really hoping we get through the end of Revelation, because it's been a bit of a slog. We did not get to the end.

More Lammas Earrings

I'm still not sure if Ferrero Rocher counts as a Lammas treat, but I switched to my new Ferrero Rocher earrings for the evening anyway.

Cornflake Pie

Our Myst replay drove us insane, so we're cheered ourselves up with a Lammas treat. As Lammas is a celebration of the first cereal harvest, we're having a cornflake pie from Bury Market.

Friday 29 July 2022

Lammas: Day 2

It's the second day of our Lammas celebrations! I had a lot of work commitments in the afternoon, so it was just morning stuff today.

Bury Market

Lammas is a time to enjoy fairs and markets apparently, so we took my mother-in-law to the market this morning. Not to sell her, I hasten to add! It wasn't a Mayor of Casterbridge situation! We had a Lammas trip to (World Famous) Bury Market today, and I am very pleased with my market haul!

Lammas Earrings

In honour of our trip to Bury Market, today's Lammas earrings were upcycled L.S. Lowry prints... Market Scene, Northern Town.

Sweetcorn Fritters

I got some sweetcorn fritters on the market too. I thought this seemed like an appropriately seasonal snack, and they were so nice as well!