
Sunday 2 October 2022

October Readalong: Ghost Story by Peter Straub

This October, I'm doing a Halloween Readalong of Ghost Story by the late, great Peter Straub. And everyone's welcome to join in! I'll be posting about it on my Hannah Kate Twitter and on Facebook. All you need to join in is a copy of the book and the desire to (re)read it. I'm looking forward to diving in this week, and it'd be great if you'd like to join me.

How to Join In

If you're a Facebook person, join the October Readalong Facebook group, and post your thoughts in the group as we read. I'll be doing a live video chat in the group every Thursday in October at 6.30pm (UK time). If you're a Twitter person, share your thoughts on the hashtag #GhostStoryReadalong.

Readalong Schedule

Week 1: Prologue – Driving South
FB Live: Thursday 6th October, 6.30-7.30pm

Week 2: Part 1 – After Jaffrey’s Party
FB Live: Thursday 13th October, 6.30-7.30pm

Week 3: Part 2 – Dr Rabbitfoot’s Revenge
FB Live: Thursday 20th October, 6.30-7.30pm

Week 4: Part 3 – The Coon Hunt & Epilogue – Moth in a Killing Jar
FB Live: Thursday 27th October, 6.30-7.30pm

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