
Thursday 14 February 2013

Workshop: Crusade Preaching and Propaganda

A Workshop on Primary Sources

29-30 March 2013, University of Kent, Canterbury

When the crusades became institutionalised by the end of the 12th century, so did the promoting of the crusades. Preachers and papal legates were sent out and manuscripts as well as works of art were commissioned and spread throughout Europe, all in order to achieve the ultimate goal: the recapture of Jerusalem. A workshop at Canterbury and two series of sessions at the Kalamazoo and Leeds International Congresses will be addressing crusade preaching and propaganda in the 13th century, as well as drawing comparisons with earlier and later periods, between different European regions, and between East and West.

Workshop Participants*

- Rania Abdellatif (Université Paris IV) - Saladin's Transformation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock.
- Stephen Bennett (Queen Mary, University of London) - Gerard of Wales
- Barbara Bombi (University of Kent) - Commentator
- Esperanza de los Reyes Aguilar (Universidad de León) - Bishop Jerónimo de Perigord and the Images of Power
- Frances Durkin (University of Birmingham) - Commentator
- Constantinos Georgiou (University of Cyprus) - Sermons of Pope Clement VI
- Martin Hall (Royal Holloway, University of London) - John of Garland
- Bernard Hamilton (University of Nottingham) - Commentator
- Elizabeth Lapina (University of Kent) - Mural Paintings of St. George Fighting Saracens
- Nicholas Morton (Nottingham Trent University) - First Crusade Charters
- Alan V. Murray (University of Leeds) - German Crusading Songs
- Marcello Pacifico (Università di Palermo) - The Letters of Frederick II
- Natalia Petrovskaia (University of Cambridge) - The Welsh 'Charlemagne Cycle'
- Valentin Portnykh (Novosibirsk State University) - Humbert of Romans
- Matthieu Rajohnson (Université Paris Ouest) - Crusade Liturgy
- Mahmoud Said Omran (Alexandria University) - The Armenian Propagandist Hayton of Croycus's Proposals to Recover Jerusalem (1307)
- Thomas Smith (Royal Holloway, University of London) - The Papal Registers of Honorius III (1216-1227)
- Carol Sweetenham - The First Crusade in Sermon Exempla
- Paul Trio (KU Leuven) - Medieval Dutch Pilgrim Literature
- Nickiphoros Tsougarakis (University of Kent) - Crusading Propaganda in Medieval Greece
- Jan Vandeburie (University of Kent) - Jacques de Vitry's 'Historia Orientalis'
- Benjamin Weber (Université de Toulouse) - 15th-Century Papal Bulls

(*Titles of presentations are provisional. A final programme with abstracts will be sent out to all registered or interested attendees.)

Programme (provisional):

Thursday 28 March

Evening: Arrivals and Drinks

Friday 29 March

9.00-10.00: Arrivals / Registration

10.00-11.00: Carol Sweetenham, Nicholas Morton


11.15-12.15: Esperanza de los Reyes Aguilar, Matthieu Rajohnson

12.15-13.15: Rania Abdellatif, Elizabeth Lapina


14.00-16.00: Collections of the Cathedral Library


16.15-17.15: Stephen Bennett, Martin Hall

17.15-18.15: Alan V. Murray, Paul Trio, Natalia Petrovskaia

Wine Reception


Saturday 30 March

9.00-10.00: Mahmoud Said Omran, Nickiphoros Tsougarakis

10.00-11.00: Marcello Pacifico, Thomas Smith


11.15-12.15: Valentin Portnykh, Jan Vandeburie

12.15-13.15: Constantinos Georgiou, Benjamin Weber



*Afternoon Activity*

Collections of the Franciscan International Study Centre


Attending the workshop as non-participant is possible upon registration and cash/cheque payment of:
University of Kent Students: Free
Attendance Friday: 50 GBP / 30 GBP (Student Concession)
Attendance Saturday: 25 GBP / 15 GBP (Student Concession)
Included in the fee:
Registration and Welcome Pack
Participation in the visits to the Special Collections of the Franciscan International Study Centre and/or the Canterbury Cathedral Library
Coffee/Tea and Refreshments
Sandwich Lunch

Please note that places are limited!

Registration is possible until 15 March 2013

To register or for more information, please contact Jan Vandeburie 
Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Rutherford College, University of Kent
Canterbury CT2 7NX, UK

Further Events:

9-12 May 2013, 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo:
‘Jacques de Vitry: His Career, Writings, and Impact’

- Thieves of Time: The Usurer and the Prostitute in Jacques de Vitry's Exempla Stacie Vos (Yale)
- What Was Jacques de Vitry's Role in Christian-Muslim Relations While Resident in Acre? Elizabeth Binysh (Cardiff)
- ‘De Pollanis, Subole a Patribus Degeneri’ - Jacques de Vitry’s ‘Historia Orientalis’ and the Reform Movement of the Fourth Lateran Council Jan Vandeburie (Kent)
- Jacques of Vitry and the Medieval Universal History Caroline Wilky (University of Notre Dame)

1-4 July 2013, 20th International Medieval Congress, Leeds:
‘Ad Crucesignatos - Crusade Preaching and Propaganda’

- Reflections and Refractions of the First Crusade in Sermon Exempla Carol Sweetenham, University of Warwick
- Preaching the Crusades: Patterns and Impact of Recruitment Campaigns in the 11th and 12th Centuries Frances Durkin, School of History and Cultures, University of Birmingham
- 'Societas Christiana' and Its Unity in 12th-Century Crusade Propaganda Sini Kangas, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Helsinki
- The Lord's Great Bargain: Explanations of the Effect of Crusade Indulgences in Sermons from Bernard of Clairvaux to Jacques de Vitry Ane L. Bysted, University of Aarhus
- Papal Legates and Crusade Preaching under Honorius III (1216-1227) Thomas William Smith, Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London
- De Peregrinatione Cruce Signatorum - Promoting the Crusade in Jacques de Vitry's 'Historia Orientalis' Jan Vandeburie, University of Kent
- Papal Propaganda and the Crusades, 1213-1253 Marcello Pacifico, Università degli Studi di Palermo
- 'Arma Crucemque Cano': John of Garland's Epic Crusading Appeal Following the Seventh Crusade Martin Hall, Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Preaching War against the Turks in the Baltic Regions: Many Questions and Few Answers Benjamin Weber, Université de Toulouse

With the kind support of:
University of Kent:
School of History
Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East

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